Patron: Saint Francis of Assisi
Estd : April 7, 2002
Founder Director: Rev. Fr. Valerian D’Souza
Present Director: Rev. Fr. Jerome Monteiro
Spiritual Director: Rev. Fr. Maxim Nazareth, Cap.
Total Brothers and Sisters: 32
President: Sr. Ida Quadras
Vice President: Sr. Shanthi DSouza
Formator : Sr. Leena DSouza
Secretary: Sr. Violet Machado
Treasurer: Sr. Carmine Menezes.
Representatives: (1) Br. Belchar Mendonca (2) Sr. Leena Correa.
The secular Franciscan Order is a Public association of the faithful in the Catholic Church. It is divided into fraternities at various levels: Local, Regional, National and International.
The O.F.S. governed by the universal law of the Church and by its own Rule, Constitutions, Ritual and Statutes.
Secular Franciscan commit themselves to a life in Christ calling for a positive effort to promote Gospel attitudes among their contemporaries.
They are invited with each other in communities through which they develop a sense of direction according to the Gospel spirit of Saint Francis of Assisi.
Franciscan traditions are steeped in Catholicism and focus on many of the same values, beliefs and traditions of the Catholic faith, like the importance of charity, benevolence and selflessness.
Franciscans do not believe in living lavishly while other Christians live in poverty and misery.
Our Founders.
- Dignity of the individual
- Peace and Justice
- Reconciliation
- Responsible Stewardship.