Patron: Saint Vincent de Paul

Estd : 8th July 1973

Founder Director: Rev. Fr. Henry Castelino.

Founder President: Mr. Denis Castelino

Present Director: Rev. Fr. Jerome Monteiro

President: Michael Mathias

Secretary: Molly Pereira

Treasurer: Rony Danthy.

Saint Vincent De Paul society philanthropic organization based on Christian values. After 49 successful years of charity about 10 members are enthusiastically promoting and establishing acts of charity. We remember all well-wishers, our spiritual director Rev.Fr. Jerome Monteiro and donor member with heartfelt salutations and reaffirm our commitment to help and walk along besides those who need us. With your support we hope we can continue this good work in the year’s head.

                                                                                                    Group Photo of present Members.