Maundy Thursday Signifying the Last Supper of Jesus Observed in our Lady of Fatima Church
- Posted by Valentine DSouza
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- Date April 14, 2022
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The solemnity of the Holy Thursday also known as Maundy Thursday signifying the Last Supper of Jesus was observed with great devotion by the parishioners of our Lady of Fatima Church Pernal on 14 April 2022 from 4.00 pm to 5.45 pm. The solemn Maundy Thursday Mass was concelebrated by Our Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Jerome Monteiro as the chief celebrants assisted by Rev. Fr. Pascal Menezes, Rev. Fr. Henry Mendonca, and Rev. Fr. Dancy Martis (OFM Cap).
In his meaningful homily, Rev.Fr. Dancy Martis (OFM Cap) narrated the significance of the Maundy Thursday. During his Last Supper, Jesus Christ constituted the Sacrament of Eucharist and he narrated the importance priests in our Roman Catholic Church and how we have to respect them rather than finding faults and insulting them because they too are human beings.
Following the homily, Rev.Fr. Jerome Monteiro washed the feet of 12 chosen parishioners, Ten Ward Gurkars/Gurkarns, Vice President of Parish council and ICYM President. Rev.Fr. Jerome Monteiro knelt in front of each and every chosen parishioner. Washed her/his foot, wiped with a towel symbolizing one of the finest examples given by Jesus to His disciples of service and love.
Rev.Fr. Pascal Menezes conducted the Adoration Service.
Soon after the mass, the Holy Eucharist was taken in procession to the ‘Altar of Repose’ which was specially prepared with floral decoration towards the left side of the main altar. Meanwhile the main altar was stripped of the coverings and was left bear in memory of the sufferings and crucifixion of Jesus.
Maundy Thursday celebrations: One of the celebrated days among Christian community, Maundy Thursday is being celebrated today across countries. The day always comes one day before Good Friday and is also known as “Holy Thursday.” It is one of the oldest festivals that has been celebrated since the early days of the Christian Church. But what is Maundy Thursday all about and why it is famous among people with Christian beliefs? Maundy Thursday marks the day Jesus Christ “celebrated his final passover with his disciples.” It is believed that Jesus on this day had washed the feet of his disciples during the supper.
It is to note that Maundy is derived from the Latin word mandatum which means commandment. Referring this, to the instructions that Jesus gave to the disciples before the betrayal of Judas, the day is known as Maundy Thursday.
Pictures Credit : Winston Mendonca
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