Teachers Day Celebration.
- Posted by Valentine DSouza
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- Date September 4, 2023
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Report : Anil Danthy, ICYM Animator.
The teachers from the parish working in different educational institutions were facilitated on the occasion of the upcoming teachers day on September 03, 2023 in the church hall.
Mrs Asuntha D’Souza, a renowned teacher and speaker from St John’s P U College was the chief guest.
Speaking on the occasion she opined that being a ‘ Catholic Christian Teacher’ is the cry of our society today. Being a strong catholic teacher is a difficult mission today she said because most professions now are commercialized and teaching has undoubtedly become a time pass activity for many. She quoted the education as the mission of the Holy church which is rightly taken after the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Rev. Fr Jerome Monteiro, Parish Priest applauded the services of the parish teachers to the parish kids and being resourceful through ecclesiastical associations of the parish.
Fr Pascal Menezes spoke highly of the efforts of the parish ICYM unit in honouring the teachers every year as a priority. He called upon teachers to remain strong at the time of difficulty in remaining as a true teacher.
Mr Anthony Mendonca, from Erbet a senior parishioner and teacher was honoured on this occasion along with his spouse Mrs Roselyn Mendonca.
All the teachers present were honoured with a token of gratitude from ICYM. In the beginning Mr Jeevan Lobo president of ICYM welcomed the gathering and Mr Reevan D’Souza, secretary for sports and culture proposed a vote of thanks.
The ICYM remains grateful to all those who joined hands to make this event a memorable one.
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